2016年9月16日 星期五

Michael Bloomberg 彭博 (1942- )

彭博Michael Bloomberg 彭博資訊的創始人和大股東和紐約市三任市長 。
多諾霍 Thomas J. Donohue是美國商業商會總裁兼首席執行官。

Michael R. Bloomberg & Thomas J. Donohue. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both ...

America has always been strongest when we drive global change, rather than shrink from it,
and seize opportunities to extend our economic reach. TPP presents an important test of 
whether that era of American leadership will continue.

Bloomberg is the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP and three-term mayor of
 New York City. Donohue is president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

這類主題常會碰到一英文 philanthropist,通常譯為"慈善家",譬如說,我介紹美國新聞界大亨,當過紐約市長"志工" 的Bloomberg先生之基金會,最近捐一筆錢給哈佛商學院HBS,請該學院代培訓美國的各地"市長" (市長必須"英明",其工作之繁重,他最清楚:注意,Bloomberg的母校也有著名的商學院,他卻捐給HBS,而非哈佛的政府學院等.....)。Wikipedia 關於他的介紹當然包括"慈善家" (以他的許多巨額捐款,這他當之無愧):
Michael "Mike" Rubens Bloomberg[2] (born February 14, 1942) is an American business magnate, politician, and philanthropist. Bloomberg is currently the 6th richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of US$51 billion as of September 2016.
不過,英文 philanthropist 意義很廣,善心/助人人士、對社會有貢獻的人,都可以稱之為philanthropist。有意思的是其人Edward W. Forbes先生與" 顏料的故事:哈佛大學博物館的3600種顏料",他的Wikipedia 條目中的Philanthropy,都沒提"捐款",不過,他給藝術界的"美利"是很了不起的。

Edward W. Forbes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Edward _ W ._ Forbes Edward W . Forbes (18...
A transformative gift in a milestone year for our Bloomberg School of Public Health, enabling it to deepen its commitment to improving American lives.
Michael Bloomberg: "It's an honor to be able to help launch the school's next 100 years with this gift."

